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Scoliosis and Spinal Conditions FITNESS Master Course

Scoliosis and Spinal Conditions

Fitness Master Course

Supported by the Teachings of the Schroth Method   


Part 1:  Foundations of Scoliosis and Sagittal Conditions   October 26th – 27th, 2024

Part 2:  Scoliosis and Sagittal Conditions Practical   May 31-June 1 2025

Location: Pilates MN, 2355 Polaris Lane N. Plymouth MN 55446

Time: 8-5pm Saturday and Sunday

For more information click here

CEC’s/ NCPC 16 hours per course, CEC’s MNAPTA/Pending

Course Description: 

Part 1: Foundations of Scoliosis and Sagittal Conditions  

(60% lecture/demonstration, 40% lab)

This 16 hour course covers the science behind Idiopathic Scoliosis (IS) and hyper-kyphosis (HK), including etiology, pathogenesis, pathomechanism, progression factors and adult spinal disorders (ASD). Clinical and radiological assessment tools will be introduced with the help of volunteers with structural scoliosis and hyper-kyphosis.  This course is part 1 of a 3 part course designed by Lise Stolze and Hagit Berdishevsky, industry experts in the Schroth Method, an evidence-based  Physiotherapy Scoliosis Specific Exercise system, recognized for improved diagnosis and treatment of spinal disorders. An algorithm will be provided to help guide therapists and fitness instructors in safe exercise modifications for their patient/client with IS, ASD and HK..

This course is the prerequisite to Part 2: Practical


Part 2: Scoliosis and Sagittal Conditions Practical 

(20% lecture/demonstration, 80% lab)

This 16 hour practical lab course focuses on assessment and exercise applications for people with Idiopathic Scoliosis (IS) Adult Spinal Disorder (ASD) and hyper-kyphosis (HK). Practical assessment tools will be demonstrated with the help of adult volunteers who have structural scoliosis and hyper-kyphosis. Fitness exercises will be selected and adapted for these adults based on the assessment outcome.  The goal of this course is to provide the health care professional and fitness instructor the information necessary to communicate with each other for the benefit of the patient or client with IS, ASD or HK.

Course Creators:  Hagit Berdishevsky and Lise Stolze

Hagit Berdishevsky PT, DPT, MDT, SSOL Schroth co-founder:  for more information click here

Lise Stolze DSc, NCPT, SSOL Schroth teacher:  for more information click here